One of the most iconic and fun team sports that you can play is slow-pitch softball. It has become extremely popular because it’s gameplay allows such diverse participants to join in. Players of all ages, sizes and skill levels are able to participate. It is also not very expensive to play at most levels, so there are very little cost prohibitions involved.
Slow-Pitch Softball- Some History
Softball has been around for over one hundred years! An estimated 65 million people play in over 130 countries. In the United States alone, over 9 million people play softball every year. The play level ranges from recreational to intramural teams to tournaments, and varies in intensity. Some leagues are out to simply have fun and socialize in their free time, and some are extremely competitive and require a bigger commitment.
Slow-Pitch Softball- Some Social
For some, soft-pitch softball is a lifestyle, and is as much a social activity as sporting. The sport continues to grow in popularity, and increases in players each year. Soft-pitch softball has a team and skill level for everyone. The games don’t take a long time to play, and it can keep you in shape and provide you with an escape from your daily responsibilities. Competition, on any level, can bring excitement and purpose to your life.
Slow-pitch softball gives people a chance to meet people with similar likes and interests. Co-ed leagues can offer a chance for spouses or families to play together. Slow-pitch softball games can give families something really special to share together.
Slow-Pitch Softball- Some Details
Slow-pitch softball is similar to baseball, but is played with a larger ball, and on a smaller field. The game moves at a faster pace than baseball due to this smaller field, and the fact that it is only seven innings. There are usually nine or ten players on the field at once. The ball must be thrown underhand and arch on its path to the batter. The softballs used are easier to hit than a small baseball. The size, combined with the density, make it a very high hitting game.
If you are accustomed to playing baseball, you will definitely want to take some time to get used to the new pitch speed and strike zone. You will need to adjust your timing to ensure that you are making good contact with the ball, otherwise you will be prone to pop ups and weak ground balls. Sizing up your glove is an important move also, since the circumference of a softball is so much greater than a baseball.
Slow-Pitch Softball- Some Swag
If you are new to the slow-pitch softball world, you will probably find that it is easy to be swept away by the phenomenon of the culture. Teams that play together often can become as close as family, and bonding over a team sport that helps to keep you fit is a great way to make memories and enjoy life!
If you are going to play slow-pitch softball, you might as well look good while doing it. Spiderz Custom batting gloves offer you style as well as function. Their batting gloves are pro-quality and give you the best grip on your bat! There are many different options, so you can choose colors and designs that showcase your personality!